The High Elves HQ has sent you, Agent Vandala, to complete a simple mission contracted by a third party: to find the information about the Alchemist.

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Red Cartels and Salt mines have been showing up all over the desert while Human kingdoms and City States resist Gnoll horde's incursions. A name, "The Alchemist", has been showing up on our records with increasing regularity. It is uncertain if this individual is even real or an organisation's pseudonym, but that's were you come in.

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Play as Vandalika, a Lunar She-Elf doing stealth missions across an apocalyptic science-fantasy setting in the middle of intergalactic god-wars.

SPACE_______________Crawl / Stand
E____________________Interact / Climb

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Takes a little bit to load, do not panic!
Had multiple issues with Godot, probably cause Im
using the latest unstable release.
Game is a work in progress! Follow for updates and
Thank you for playing :)

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hello. if you are interested i would like to interview you for about this piece of software. 




Ohh Thank you Queenfaith! I noticed several bugs I'll be fixing asap. Stay tuned for updates, this is just the beginning :D